Saturday, March 31
Well, Opensewer 8 is officially over. Here at HQ, we're still waiting for the reports from Columbus and Cleveland chapters. As for Ithaca, we had a pretty diverse crowd last night--and a bit wilder than the last go 'round. People were coming and going all night. Collectively, we identified no less than three over-arching concepts of "god." Very interesting. More later--with pictures!
Friday, March 30
Opensewer Ithaca and Columbus are tonight!
Be there!
Thursday, March 29
Fellow 'Sewerites, c'mon up out of your trenches. Opensewer-Cleveland is tonight.
Join us!
Wednesday, March 28
Of course Americans are
OK with beef despite the threat of livestock diseases. That's because nothing bad ever affects us here in America!
Tuesday, March 27
More time working and less time having sex than they did five years ago?
Move over, Oscar. Here's the Luddite
List of Top 14 Films Ever.
Monday, March 26
The private high school that is best identified as the one Bill Gates attended is making it mandatory that
all students have and use laptops. Hear that sound? That is the divide of the class system growing a little wider. Apparantly the president of the board of trustees told the parents "sometimes a school community must accept decisions made by people in charge, just as customers accept decisions made by people who run a business."
Friday, March 23
Cell phone
fun for all, courtesy of GirlFRAN. Takes a minute to load, but worth it, especially the bit from Amber of Flagstaff (scroll down).
Uh, again, America,
open your eyes.
Be “quiet and mysterious,” don't be too funny on a first date, use egg timers to limit phone conversations with prospective beaus to 10 minutes or less, and get plastic surgery “if you have a bad nose.” Oh, and don't forget to be subservient to your man. What a
load of crap. Here's a "Rule": How 'bout being yourself and letting someone love you for who you are?
Thursday, March 22
Wednesday, March 21
Cars vs. pedestrians -- nice juxtaposition.
Tuesday, March 20
Monday, March 19 is closing down. It was a site I liked a lot, kept me informed. I am disappointed but not surprised to find they are
selling their registrant and subscriber lists.
Saturday, March 17
effect of Bush's announcement on his turnback on emissions policies may reach much further than the US.
Friday, March 16
We've been accused, here at Opensewer, of being a little too hard on Prez Bush. So, in all fairness, we're directing visitors to a
website created in his honor. Enjoy.
Thursday, March 15
I am very very depressed by
this news.
Wednesday, March 14
Universal truths, trivialized: Did you know that
today is Pi Day?
Love it love it love it! There are many things to consider in this
article. Whatever happened to social etiquette? Whatever happened to the days of yore when one told a babysitter the
name of the restaurant/theatre/friends where they would be for the evening, in case of an emergency? Too much technology -- t'ain't always a good thing.
A little
something to consider today - homeless people and homeless shelters across the country. Take the time today (or this week, or this month) to consider all we have to be grateful for, and stop by a
homeless shelter
in your neck of the
woods to give a little back to society. Isn't there something you can do?
Tuesday, March 13
Monday, March 12
Bravo. Open your eyes, America.
Sunday, March 11
Ha ha ha! Here's something funny: Several people have arrived at this site by searching for "temptation island megan." I love seeing irony in action. I don't think they'll find what they're looking for here. We do indeed have a
Megan, and we do talk about Tempation Island ... uh, but not in a good way. Sorry.
Saturday, March 10
In the latest issue of Adbusters there is an
update on a long-running story about two reporters who were fired from a Florida Fox television station when they refused to cover up a story about
Monsanto and bovine growth hormone in milk.
Have you been to
Not-Here lately? If not, check it out. We've added several interesting, useful links that are helpful for
the cause.
Friday, March 9
report card on America.
Thursday, March 8
If you can't get your mits on a WSJ, here's a
story from The Washington Post about AIDS in Africa and drug companies.
Wednesday, March 7
Follow-up to Megan's post on March 5:
Merck & Co. is feeling the pressure of a tainted corporate image as well as competition from generic drug companies. Yesterday the company announced that it is slashing the prices for two of its important AIDS-fighting drugs in Africa by 40% to 50%. An act of good conscience? Probably not. Afraid of losing market share? Probably. Pick up a copy of today's Wall Street Journal for the front page.
March 8, 2001: International Women's Day. Read all about it
here and
IT, Ginger, is
out, officially. While "emission-free" hydrogen is wonderful, somehow I don't see Americans giving up their monster vehicles for a scooter, or a personal mobility vehicle. Step in the right direction, not a big enough step?
Tuesday, March 6
Everyone else is
doing it, why don't you? Plan ahead this year - November 23, 2001 - Be There!
Monday, March 5
In Africa, one in ten people are HIV positive and drug companies are
willing to let them die of AIDS to protect patents. What's worse,
nearly every major pharmaceutical company in the world is suing the government of South Africa because they dared to try to pass a law allowing for the manufacturing of inexpensive versions of the drugs. This fight has been going on for three years. Activists were able to influence the government to agree to support South Africa at the start of Al Gore's run for election, but I can't imagine having Bush around will help matters.
Saturday, March 3
So many problems in this world stem from the fact that
everybody thinks that they are right, and everyone else is wrong. The recent
destruction of Buddhist statues by the Afghan Taliban is a perfect example of this. At what point does
believing in something become oppression? To add even more shades of gray to the issue, here’s
another spin on the story.
Friday, March 2
It's nice when a vending machine achieves a
higher state of being.
Is it just me, or does
this seem like a scam: Make it
easy for people to get credit cards, even when maybe they shouldn't have them; and then make it
harder for them to get protection from creditors if they get in over their head in debt. Credit card companies, George Dubya ... hmmm ... any connection there?
Thursday, March 1
Here's some good news. The next
Opensewer Gathering (No. 8) will be held at not three, but four locations! The latest addition: Columbus, Ohio. So, if you're a mid-Ohioan with a hankering for a little philosophical inquiry on a Friday night, now you have a chance. More information on this and all three other gatherings will be posted this weekend.
Email us if you simply can't wait!
Public radio show I recommend -
On The Media. It takes a close look at current and past events and how what the media and entertainment feeds us affects our lives. You can listen to current and archived shows
here, and check to see when it is on in your town
05/01/2000 - 06/01/2000
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