Friday, June 29
If you haven't seen it yet, please give the documentary Live Nude Girls Unite! a chance. To quote from their
website, "This first person documentary follows Julia Query, lesbian/stand-up comedian/ peepshow-stripper, and daughter of a feminist activist, on her raucous journey to help organize the only union of strippers in the United States." Sure, the subject is tantalizing, but what's more important is that individuals stood up and fought about unfair treatment, and made things work on their terms.
Thursday, June 28
The AFL-CIO presents
Executive Pay Watch - "your online center for learning about the excessive salaries, bonuses and perks of the CEOs of major corporations." Look up the company you work for today!
Wednesday, June 27
Hmmm...a recent study reports that
land developers aren’t adequately replacing the wetlands they destroy to make way for new construction projects. The new wetlands they do construct fail to function as they’re supposed to. Is this news supposed to come as a surprise? I mean, when no one's watching the cookie jar...
Tuesday, June 26
"Leftists." "Rabblerousers." "Big mouths." "Don't judge." Now lots of people are joining in the effort to ban
this, with more repercussion to follow. And did we tell you about that pesty li'l potential
radiation problem? Ahhh, but you knew we'd have something to say about this, didn't you? Oh and one more thing: Visit
this site. This is how easy it is to listen in on a person's cell phone conversation!
Oppose the erasure of our collective memory: If you aren't yet aware of
America's 11 Most Endangered Historic Places, then make yourself aware.
Monday, June 25
If you don't find your own life boring enough, here's yet another way to peek into the
boring lives of other people.
Friday, June 22
Thursday, June 21
Tonight is Roll Your Own Blackout night to protest Bush's inaction. Turn off everything electrical, hang out outside looking at stars, tell stories by candlelight,
read more here. Seems like it is a good idea anyway!
Wednesday, June 20
this the stupidest thing ever? Could be. Lame lame lame lame sad sad sad sad.
There are many good people in this world. There are many people in this world with cruel intentions. There are a lot of people that lie somewhere in between.
The internet connects them all.
Tuesday, June 19
I told myself I'd lay off bashing Bush, but what the hell is he trying to do? Is anyone, I mean
anyone out there paying any attention to the Pandora's Box he's opening
here? Soon, it's going to be Russia and China against the U.S. Scary shit. And Putin knows exactly what he's doing. It's The NY Times, so a password might be needed: Login: Opensewer. Password: Iswatching.
Tune in for "Earth on Edge," a television special which airs tonight at 8:00 pm. "EoE" explores what's happening to the Earth's capacity to support nature and human civilization.
Consider: 50% of the world's wetlands lost in one century / 50% of the world's forest cleared / 70% of the world's major marine fisheries depleted / Nearly 60% of coral reefs declining. Producer Bill Moyers' stories describe what we've done to Earth and what we can still do to turn things around, if we act quickly. It is a powerful film with a compelling message.
More info can be found
here. Thanks to Marisa for the link.
Monday, June 18
A good take on Bush's visit last week.
Sunday, June 17
Hey everybody, look, it's
Opensewer 9!
Friday, June 15
Arrgh! And I just bought a new
toaster! Design and engineering at its best.
Thursday, June 14
"The Senate voted narrowly Thursday to withhold federal funds from school districts that deny use of their facilities to the Boy Scouts because of the organization's exclusion of homosexuals."
"Where yesterday flew the Stars-and-Stripes, today will fly the Brands-and-Bands." Adbusters
Independence Day Flag Jam.
Wednesday, June 13
I can't wait for
this! It's got dreams mixed in with fun! We must bring to America! We must bring to America!
Tuesday, June 12
Only in Europe for a day and he's already messin' it all up and makin' us a-mur-i-cans proud!
This story is too good to pass up.
Monday, June 11
Send a
li'l love-note to all your Bush supportin' friends!
Saturday, June 9
Hmmm… is asking Americans to pledge their upcoming +/-$300 tax rebate to fund the fight against the Bush agenda. Well, as I understand it, it’s not really a rebate, it’s an advance payment against our full tax refund (according to We’re not getting any additional money back—our tax refund next April will be reduced. The only thing the government is giving up is interest they could have earned on the money they give out before next April. I think I’ll spend mine on bills & salty snacks.
Friday, June 8
And for your Friday entertainment, I leave you with
this and
this. The first one weighs in at a whopping 650 pounds, the second at 1300 pounds. Forget about the Ali-Frazier fight - we've got the
Battle of the Bras going on here. Link courtesy of
Thursday, June 7
There is already a book out on so-called Bush Speak. It is not about how Bush mangles words, but is "meant to shed some light on the propaganda of our time." The author, Mark Crispin Miller, on the biggest misconception people have about Bush: "That he's a moron -- and a benign moron at that. Although Bush is indeed illiterate, bone-ignorant and generally illogical, he's not a cretin. At the nastier kind of politics, he is extraordinarily shrewd." We should pay attention.
Read here, from our friends at AlterNet.
Wednesday, June 6
Yeah, I'll have a double-cheese burger, pickles on the side and hey, can you toast the bun a little more than usual?
Fast-food worker:
Sure, here's your burger.
Tuesday, June 5
How stupid does this country think its people are? " ... Officials ... later said the
deaths were caused by an accidental explosion of an automatic weapon -- a[n] explanation described as implausible by ballistics experts..."
Monday, June 4
They are reimaging, repackaging and rewriting the
Narnia tales to catch some of the current money in children's literature. What a shame.
username: opensewer
password: iswatching
Although James Kunstler's eye-on-America is right up Opensewer's alley, it's unfortunate that he lays blame (in-part) on architects
here. Unfortunately, the
American people are the ones who don't want anything outside the box, who are afraid of anything (design-wise) that might make sense, and who strive to all be the same. Society/values have been an influence as well, not just what the "architects have given" us. Americans afraid of urban living = suburbanites (safe, safe) and strip centers.
Saturday, June 2
Nike’s tennis shoes back in style? Didn’t they go out of style for a while? Are they still called “tennis” shoes? What kind of shoes is it cool to wear right now? I’ve been wearing the same black kickers since ’94, and I don’t think most people think they’re very cool. We all wanna be cool.
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